stuart green

Stuart Green

Drawing, Painting and Mixed-Media

By inclination I am a painter of and about landscape. At times I will record simply for the joy of being in a particular place and at other times I will search more deeply for the marks that both man and nature have made.

It is through this search that I find the colours, patterns, textures and forms that are the roots of my work. I have been in Education, teaching art, for over fifty years and in that time I have worked with acrylics, watercolours, inks, chalk and oil pastels. In recent years I have returned to using oil paint but not in a traditional lean to fat process.

Paintings are begun with either oil pastels or oil bars, laying down a grid/structure and then oil paints are applied more freely with palette knives, creating texture and the opportunity to scratch through to reveal exciting dynamics and visual surprises.

Painting always involves some sort of journey and as Henry Millar once said ”One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” I have spent most of my life trying to see in new ways and attempting to create a sense of space and a sense of place.

Ely, Cambridgeshire.

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